Looking Ahead: Predictions Defining Market Research in 2025
With 2025 underway, our team is engaged in conversations about changes and trends in the market research industry, both within our own practices and in partnership with our clients. From uncovering fresh applications for familiar technologies to enhancing the respondent experience, the methods and tools shaping research are rapidly evolving. In today’s blog, we’re diving into our top three predictions for the year ahead; read on to learn how you can use them to elevate your research and maintain a competitive edge in the industry.
The Resurgence of In-Person Qualitative Research
It’s no secret that, prior to the pandemic, in-person qualitative research was the go-to method for many people in the market research field. Whether researchers were conducting individual in-depth interviews or larger focus groups, in-person research served as a core way to uncover rich insights. In fact, the team at Fieldwork referred to in-person research as a “sound investment,” and with good reason. While in-person research may require a larger budget, face-to-face interactions make observing non-verbal behavioral cues, hands-on product testing, and building trust with participants much more effective, thereby leading to authentic and reliable results. Luckily for the industry, all signs point to a resurgence of this tried and true research method in 2025.
“Over the last 6 months, I’ve had the opportunity to visit some focus group facilities and chat with facility leaders. The one thing they’ve all said: “In-person research is back!” At Zintro, we have certainly seen an uptick in RFPs for in-person groups, interviews, and even in-person ethnographic research. Most of my career has involved in-person research, so I couldn’t be happier.”
The Evolution of AI in the Market Research Industry
In recent years, the adoption of AI in the market research industry has been gaining momentum, and it shows no signs of slowing down. AI has been a topic of conversation at nearly every industry event as of late, in part due to its polarizing nature. On one hand, many acknowledge the positive impact AI has had on streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency; on the other, there’s a growing emphasis on the need to preserve the human touch in research. As we progress through 2025, we anticipate that while AI will maintain its popularity in the market research industry, its applications will evolve and become tailored to the changing needs of researchers and clients alike.
“People usually think of AI in relation to tech and business, but it is so relevant in market research. From harnessing its power for analysis and reporting, to using it to polish presentations or documents, it can give researchers and strategists time back in their day for more complex tasks.”
The Growing Importance of Respondent Experience
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: improvements to the respondent experience are gaining traction, which is a good thing, given that respondent pools, research timelines, and the quality of insights are all reliant on it. Screeners in particular are a cornerstone of the research process, helping to ensure that only top-quality respondents are engaging in research. However, as the first touch for many respondents, when screeners are poorly designed they can lead to significant challenges, undermining the quality of the respondents, their experience, and ultimately the research outcomes. In 2025, we anticipate a long-overdue shift away from overloaded, overly complex screeners and toward streamlined, user-friendly designs.
2025: The Year of Change
A resurgence of in-person research, new and improved applications of AI, and a focus on the experience that respondents have would be game changers for the market research industry. With any luck, each and every one of these predictions for the year ahead will come true, and we will see the industry change for the better.
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