Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI)

Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI) can be incredibly useful during the quantitative research process, and they have a variety of benefits. Firstly, they allow for elaboration and probing during the surveying process, which can lead to more valuable, quantifiable data. Furthermore, it’s ideal for ensuring authenticity. It’s widely known that one of the primary limitations to online surveys is the potential for fraud. By doing research with CATI, you're obtaining data in a more direct way and know exactly who it is that you’re speaking to on the other end of the line.

Easily Get in Touch with Respondents for CATI Projects

Zintro can connect you and your team with the exact respondents that you need for your next CATI project. If the individuals you need to get in touch with aren’t already in our extensive network, our custom recruitment team will find them with ease. Connecting with the right respondents matters, which is why Zintro will source, screen, and present a variety of options for you to select from.

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